Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I don't feel confident being me in my own skin. I try to be the best I could be in this world. I hide behind the words and the reality of who I am. I know what you did to me was the worst thing you could ever do to a human being. You wouldn't even look in my eyes and tell me the true. Why is it so hard for you to tell me your true feelings. I guess you haven't found the inner voice. You don't have the coverage to be that person. Why did I have to go through all that pain. I did hold on for so long I feel confident now to tell you what you did was wrong. Now a days I could truly says my feelings and tell people how I feel even I hurt that person. To me that's called being frank. I know I shouldn't hurt anyone. I'm not trying to be so blunt. I guess you made me this way. I was so innocent back then. You took that for granted. Why did you. You messed my whole life. I been through some rough times and I try to overcome all my fears. I hide all the time and I hold a shield against this place we call earth.

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