Sunday, April 19, 2009

Third Day In Lawrence, Ma

Im in mass right speading time with my grandma and grandpa soon ill be back in suny florida....missing my daddy and my big brother Jahrell.. Check out the outfit my uncle Allen got me dont i look handsome!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Today me and my hubby make 4 years together and so much has happen we have a child now together but he got me some roses and a card and snow crabs which i love to eat... here is a picture of my flowers. Thank you baby love you

Saturday, April 4, 2009

March 20, 2009

At 8:36am I gave birth to my precious son name Aiden Marcel Otero it was a scary day I had to have a c-section I have an eruption so they needed to work fast because i was bleeding inside and my son was swallowing all my blood so it was a crazy morning he was born 5 pounds 11.3 oz but thank god everything came out great and he is growing fast already. I'm so happy to be a first time mommy it feels great and scary because when they are baby anything could break on them like bones and you have to handle them with care. Aiden is a strong lil boy.


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